Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Man Who Can't Be Moved

[These are some posters I've been making in my spare time.]
Don't leave your room unlocked with Teea and I on the loose.
We got into Will and Kev-butts room and labeled everything with post-its.
Chapstick became lip-gloss, and the coffee pot a coffee brewer.
Good stuff :)
First official Pullman WalMart run EVER.
Bought some temporary tatoos,
and watched Andy drive a tiny pink electric scooter.
Hilarious times a thousand.
Walked Greek Row drinkin milkshakes with my buds Joey, Austin, and Kyle.
It was freezing. They were a terrible idea haha.
We wished we had brought a box of cheap Goodwill clothes to hand out to the girls.
Poor things couldn't afford to clothe themselves, it was so unfortunate.
Saw the scariest Joker, then scampered into the Nu House for safety.
Got to see Mermaid Man and the Progressive Lady then headed back to the room.
Quote of the night.
Us: "Go Cougs!"
Them: "Marijuana!"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thrift Master

Sweater, Scarf, Earrings, Card.
Total = $1.63
Wow. I know.
You may refer to me from now on as the "Thrift Master"
Skyped with my dearest Jessi Strecker today.
Boy oh boy I miss her so much.
Thanksgiving will be the best.
20 days. 2 hours. 13 min.
Went and had coffee with Carly Ross.
Golly she's hilarious.
I see many coffee dates in our future :)
Nap time.
There we were.
Out on Greek Row.
Flippin up some cakes of pan for the drunks.
This one girl didn't believe us that they were real.
Until we placed it in her hand did she final realize and turn to the guy
next to her, "THEY'RE REAL!"
An odd, but fun night.
Watched the movie Abandoned with some buddies.
Terrible movie.
Don't watch it haha.
I rounded up everything I had in my room,
and came up with Alan/Nerd for Halloween.
-Wolf Sweatshirt
-Leather Satchel
-Grandpa Sweater
-Purell Necklace (which came in use many times because of the sticky syrup lol)
It was warm. And that was all that mattered to me haha :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thirsty Thursday: gotta get my caprisun on.

Halloween weekend starts tomorrow.
Frat cakes tomorrow night,
and unlike this youngster,
I'm excited :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Good Fortune

Thank you random boy in the library who noticed my stress.
I kept this in my pocket during the whole exam.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Official Like a Referee Whistle

Camera around my neck, today I went on a photo walk.
I haven't had one of these in a long time, and I desperately needed it.
I went to the tunnel where my dad proposed to my mom.
I stood inside it and just imagined the ring being lowered by a string to the car inside the tunnel.
So gosh darn romantic, and unforgetable.
The road going up to the tunnel now is overgrown, the asphalt is destroyed, and the tunnel is gated. 
but the spot will always mean something to my parents.
Me too.
Without this spot, there would be no me.
Way to go Dad :)
Tonight Paul Sisk and I became best friends.
Don't ask why.
But the last criteria for best friendship was finally met.
So yeah.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Psalm 86

Hear, O LORD, and answer me,

for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am devoted to you.
You are my God; save your servant
who trusts in you.
Have mercy on me, O Lord,
for I call to you all day long.

Bring joy to your servant,
for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
You are forgiving and good, O Lord,
abounding in love to all who call to you.

Hear my prayer, O LORD;
listen to my cry for mercy.
In the day of my trouble I will call to you,
for you will answer me.

Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;
no deeds can compare with yours.
All the nations you have made
will come and worship before you, O Lord;
they will bring glory to your name.
For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
you alone are God.

Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.

For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.

The arrogant are attacking me, O God;
a band of ruthless men seeks my life—
men without regard for you.

But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

Turn to me and have mercy on me;
grant your strength to your servant
and save the son of your maidservant.

Give me a sign of your goodness,
that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,
for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Even the Rainy Days are Beautiful

Half the fam left me today.
Bittersweet. Thanksgiving will come soon.
I'm not worried.
My campus is stunning. Even in a downpour.
Fall here is more gorgeous than anything.
The leaves are such vibrant reds and yellows.
I'll get the nice camera out before it's all gone.
Don't worry.

"We don't take bathroom breaks when we study; we use Depends."
"Persepolis is twice as much as an Indian soda."
"Tobasco sauce on popcorn?!"
"Yeah, don't EVER leave the cart."
"Did you feel that fart!?"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Runny Upset

Surprise Skype with Nicole Renard this morning!
She's always so happy; it started my day off just right.
Here Come The Runs had our semifinals game in the competitive bracket.
We did not come out victorious, but it's all right. The runs can't come everytime :P
We're officially out now, but I am proud of our team and can't wait for next year :)
Got to hang out with Mom, Meryn, and Kelly today.
I've missed mama-dawg and lil sis a ton.
I haven't been home once since I've been here at WSU.
I'm proud of myself.
It's just going to make Thanksgiving that much sweeter.
We had hot chocolate at Zoe's and shared lots of laughter.
I love my family. Couldn't ask for a better one.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Maze of Corn

Corn Maze of Champs. You can find the exit. You can find the exit twice. But you will never find the entrance.
Not actually the best maze I've ever been too. I was taller than half of it, but it sure had its quirks.
It was the first maze I've gone to that had a man galloping around on a black horse around the hills surrounding the maze.
It was the first corn maze where I witnessed people getting so bored that they randomly push people into the corn.
It was the firsr maze where I told the guy with the mask that I would help him be more scary, and Brett told him he should keep his day job. We cracked up, this guy was like the definition of not scary. He would try to creep and come up behind us, we would say,"That was terrible", and he would tell us to not throw corn.
I tried eating the corn. That was a bad idea. I knew that after the first kernel.
So basically to sum it up, I had a blast with my hilarious gang of friends in the most random corn maze of my life.
Mama, sis, and Kelly are here for the weekend. Got to run through the haunted house and the CUB with them.
Watched date night at Joey's place afterwards, and now its time for bed.

Oh and I must mention lunch today. Originally invited about 4 people to eat with us. We ended up with about 25 people and had to branch out to 3 tables. It was incredible haha. I love Wazzu and the fact that everyone knows everyone. It's just dandy :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


1. Febreeze It: Fridges, farts, clothes you decide not to wash when you really should.

2. Be a good host/hostess: I always have 2 boxes of Capri Suns at hand so I can offer guests a beverage.

3. Pee before class: It's not like high school where its almost a blessing to have to go to the bathroom during class. Gets you out for approximately 7.2 minutes and you can go visit friends in neighboring classes. In college, you actually have to listen to lecture. No potty breaks. I've gotten to the point where I was contemplating the consequences of literally peeing my pants in Calc one day. Don't make the same mistake I did. Trust me on this one.

4. Drink Coffee: Never fails to give that necessary boost to stay up late hours studying.

5. Hair bands: They work just as well as chip clips.

6. Write Letters: There's nothing quite like opening a letter. It's way better than an email :)

7. "Borrow": You pay for that outrageous dining plan, get your money's worth and take 8-9 extra utensils with you after each meal. Less dishwashing when you stock up on the plastics.

8. Irons are Overrated: If you will be satisfied with a mediocre ironing job of your clothes, all you need is a coffee pot. Fill that sucker with only water and turn it on until the pot is full of hot agua. Then take the pot and use it like an iron (be careful not to spill). This will not get every wrinkle out, but it will make it look like its only been sitting at the bottom of the hamper for a couple days instead of weeks.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cloud Cakes

Teea and I were responsible for dinner tonight at Resonate Village.
We decided breakfast for dinner would be exciting, so we made pancakes and hashbrowns and told everyone to wear pjs.
I wore my transformer pants. Teea and I hiked them up nearly to our chins. We tend to do that a lot :)
I got bored quickly with the standard circle shape for the pancakes. I began to make them abstract.
Everyone coming through the line kept asking,
"What shape is this one?"
"You know clouds?"
"It's kinda like that. You get to choose."
Hence the name Cloud Cakes.
They were satisfied with that answer and decided one looked like Squidward, on like a croissant, and many other randomnesses.
Teea and I made a pancake cake brick. We split it. It was extremely delicious. Secret recipe everyone: Add water and stir. Now you know :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010


A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.
Chinese Proverb

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Runs Just Keep Coming

Mah Study Buddy Frainds
Daddy-O came to my softball game tonight.
He distracted the other  team by taking their picture.
For some reason it never dawned on them that they wouldn't ever actually get the picture lol.
We basically dominated. Aaaand I love being catcher :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday With BadDad

"Don't worry, it's not like you're a just another pea in..."
"...a pod?"
"..a sea of peas."
I love my dad :)
Pumpkin Drop.
Motorcycle ride to Moscow.
Met the bears.
Watched some good 'ol Cougar football.
Dinner at Northside.
Quesadilla and ribs. Oh so tasty.
Mexican Hot Chocolate at Zoe's.
Orange County Choppers and Tim Allen.
Hearing Tim Allen talk about farts was priceless.
A wonderful day with Dad.
I don't think it really mattered what we did,
just that we were together :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

They Lied when they said the Good Died Young

Take notice of our pail of roadtrip goodies. Capri Suns and a rubix cube. It's all you need. It really is.
[My boys: Granters, Willard, and Kev-Butt]
We like to display that we are above the influence haha
 Willy sitting in the sea of butts waiting for Anberlin.
Anberlin was intense and amazing.
We were pretty close to the front, and the crowd was insane.
Huge mosh pits. More like huge testosterone adrenaline punch dancing rage insanity pit.
Two girls lost their shoes. I was so impressed.
I officially now find it difficult to listen to Anberlin on a CD.
They were so impressive in person. It will never be the same.

Now the trip home. We took it to the HNL. Hole Nutha Levvvvuuull :)
It included the obvious:
Pee Stop.
Gas Stop.
"Fried Doughnuts" and "Fresh Zucchini"?
Whatever. lol.
Slurpie straws in the Capri Suns. That's what's up.
Mobbin around Spokanistan in my snuggie with some crazies.
We had an absolute blast; one of the best car rides I've ever had lol.

"Gotta get my 'yeah' in"
"Grant, we make a good raptor."
"You've never eaten Dicks??"
"What is the past tense of headbang?" "Headbung?"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yoplait Original

Left: The defect in this one is bleach.
Right: This tastes like the cow got into an onion patch.

Paul and my analysis of these yogurts.
Sure they're named the same,
 but those different colored berries definitely change the flavor ;)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I love her. I miss her. I wish she was here everyday.
Greatest late night chem with Kristen and Sami.
Like I laughed so much, and I almost made Kristen pee.
It was great :)
Team Edward? Team Jacob? NO. TEAM MARK!
"What if you imitated Dawn Zhang when you slept talked?"
Wink-Wink-Wink-Neck Spasm

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bearded Shoe Guy

[I've been taking a lot of windowsill pictures. Sorry. haha]

Today was great. Just splendid.
After my math tutorial I got myself a caramel macchiato, sat down, and did some studying.
Then I met up with Brenton for lunch. He's one cool cat everyone. Just in case you didn't know haha.
Stopped by Stimson on my way back to my room to try some of Carlis's applejuice he made at the Apple Squeeze this last weekend.
So delicious. We mixed the ApplePear and AppleBerry to make an incredible ApplePearBerry Blend of epic proportions. Well one portion. For me haha.
Got some homework and a nap in before engineering 120.
Ran into Desirae at Hillside so we sat down for dinner before I went to my staff meeting.
Staff meeting = hilarious/depressing/Idontevenknow.
I cried I was laughing so hard at one point.
Bearded shoe guy and his fabrics. Oh my :)
Headed over to Stimson to pump out my first draft of an essay.
I made the man shot. Overhand. What now. haha.
Another great day.
Anberlin and Dad-Day are gettin closer and closer.
I can't wait :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fruit of the Spirit

[I am in love with Zoe's hot chocolate. They put swirls and designs in the drink and I could just stare at it for hours.]

Galations 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is
and self-control.
Against such things there is no law.

I've heard this verse countless of times and considered it to simply be a list.
A list of traits a good person might have.
It is not that simple. The verse is telling us more than that.
They are traits of someone who is filled with the Spirit.
With that perspective, reading that list becomes much more compelling.
With God in my heart, I can have all of those?
He will give me patience. He will give me joy. He will give me self-control.
What we need, God will provide us with.

Today I did homework and homework and homework.
Paul and I stayed up till early morning finishing chemistry and calc.
We made up a game where you put a mouthful of yogurt in your mouth and then have to say the word the other person shows you and not spit up all over the place. It was hilarious. A perfect homework break. We da we da best :) haha

Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Softball Ritual

Sami and I rocked it on the softball field tonight.
And we know why haha.
Today consisted of church, nap, lunch/dinner at grandma and papa's, homework, softball game, instant chow mein, free white chocolate mocha, more homework, and then bed. Solid.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Have a Wonderful Day!

[I didn't realize until I was halfway through my drink that this was written on the sleeve. It possibly made my day. No wait, Paul eating it when trying to jump over a fence made my day. Because I ate it worse jumping a fence a couple weeks ago haha]
Another jam packed day for Laurel Adami.
That's how I like 'em :)
Tailgate party,
Da Game (we didn't completely suck!),
Quesadillas and Caramel Macchiatos,
Kicking and Screaming at Paul's casa,
Ultimate frisbee out on the turf at Martin Stadium,
chilaxin at the Sigma Nu house,
and ended the night with my first Munchies hot dog.
What a wonderful day :)

Friday, October 08, 2010

So Much Adventuring

So many things for today.
Bought tickets for the Tim Allen/Orange County Choppers show next weekend with pops.
Tried the Mexican Hot Chocolate from Zoe Underground on my coffee date with Abby today.
It was spectacular. I still don't know how they make it look so cool.
Watched a bit of the girl's soccer game,
bought a scarf made out of alpaca wool,
had a jolly ol time at work as always,
watched The Office and Community,
took an hour and a half long nap,
went to a bunco extravaganza of epic proportions,
mosied over to Moscow to try out Bucers (darling coffee shop),
stopped by Theta Chi and got to visit with dearest Jaxon.
He kept introducing me as "Lah-ruhl"
People were so baffled. I loved it :)
Late night Winco stop on our way out of town.
Teea and I put our faces under the hand dryers in the bathroom.
We're so strange. It's amazing.
Got some of the essentials.
Coffee filters and ziploc bags.
Got home and wrote 3 letters.
I love writing letters. Like so much.
And that's a wrap. Goodnight everyone!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

To the christian...

...we will go through struggles.
It is important that we don't hide these struggles and weaknesses from other christians and non believers.
Other christians because we need to have people who have the same life goals as confidents. 
Other christians are going to want to help you with your walk, and only when you are open with them can they do so.
Non believers need to know that you have weaknesses because you need to be approachable.
It is intimidating to see someone and think that they may actually be "perfect".
Trust me. They're not. There are just things they aren't telling you.
Those things can become commonalities, which bring the christian and the non christian together.
Through these shared struggles, God's love can be shared.
Stories of how he has pulled one out of the pit of despair and given him a life worth living. A life for God.
Now don't go out and awkwardly start sharing with every person you meet what your weaknesses are, or do.
It's up to you haha. But just keep that in mind. Because it is important.
Don't worry about keeping that "perfect" image. No one expects you to be perfect.
Just be real.
Now I'm not saying to go out and screw around either. Just realize that you can sort out your struggles with someone else, and through that sorting, you will find more about God and his will for your life.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

.:No More Sleeping:.

Jonah Werner tonight. He is so musically talented, and inspiring.
Hearing him reminded me of Malibu.
One of the best weeks of my life.
The week when I realized I didn't want to be asleep in the waiting room any longer.
On a side note.
Lecture this morning started at 8:10.
I woke up at 7:55.
I made it there by 8:08.
Doesn't get better than that.