Something Beautiful. On a nice day like today, I realize that despite what we complain about the Tri-Cities, it is beautiful. Find a secluded spot, and it truly makes you want to sit there forever. Sunsets. We also have amazing sunrises and sunsets. We do not give this place enough credit. Sure sometimes its a little boring when trying to figure out something to do, but we have a RIVER in the summer! and huge HILLS for sledding in the winter. We've got it all haha just go outside.

Laughter. Isn't it just the best. I love my discipleship group. I'm so thankful to have such a great group of girls who are so strong in christ. Such encouragement. Today we had a brunch. My definition of bruch meant breakfast/lunch so I brought french bread fulfilling the "lunch" part. Apparently brunch is breakfast
at lunchtime. Oops. Me and Jessi took some pictures outside. Surprise surprise ;) I went to work, and missed the superbowl. My manager would get updates on her phone so as far as I know, the Colts are ahead 24-17. I'm too lazy to look up who won. I hope the Saints did. Underdogs ftw :)
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