Karli kept me company this morning :) Since we randomly did a photoshoot I thought today's post deserved more than one picture so I could feature my favorites. After some 8 minute abs, and the small photoshoot in the backyard, I had to go to work. Work was crazy today, Superbowl maniacs prepping for their big day tomorrow. Salsa, chips, and beer. Those were the big items of the day. I did a carry-out for an old woman and she asked me, "Why in the world is it so busy today? [in a
cute old lady voice]" I had to explain to her that the Superbowl was tomorrow and she said,"Oh, yes, maybe I'll watch it." My thoughts exactly. Not being a big football fan myself, we immediately bonded. I love old people :) Tomorrow I was awarded the shift of 4-9pm. I get to miss basically the whole game [I'm only upset about missing the commercials] and all of our valued customers will be sitting on their couches, NOT IN THE STORE. Which means work will be a breeze! Can't wait ;) My mom and I watched the Ugly Truth tonight. It was pretty funny, but veeery inappropriate haha. Funny, but wrong [movie reference, if you guess it I'll give you a thousand bucks].
Philippians 4:6 (TLB)
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for his answers.
ohh man, i love the one of karli's shoes. so cute.