Sunday, January 31, 2010
A Break in the Peaceful Silence

Saturday, January 30, 2010
My Closet is Puking out Clothes

- Sheldon explaining his new game of Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock, on The Big Bang Theory
I want to make up my own rock, paper, scissors game. Mine would involve bears, beets, and battlestar galactica. Maybe in a later blog. "My Closet is Puking out Clothes". Well, I noticed as I was hanging up some sweaters that it literally looks as if my closet is upchucking multicolored patterns of fabric. I am proud of my wardrobe and its diverse and unique nature, but seriously? What will I do in college? How will I bring them all with me? Whatever. There's still time to figure that one out thankfully. We had a surprise b-day party for Andrew tonight. He was most definitely surprised :) Played some games, got a lovely back massage from a lumpy electronic chair, and spent time with people I love. I'm excited to go to Bethel's service tomorrow morning, and also for their awesome worship :) I'm exhausted right now, so I'm hittin the sack. Its almost time to say farewell to January. Strange. The days go by so fast. Well, to bed I go. Until next time...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Made in China

PHOTO: I drew this tree in mythology today. I was bored haha. I think I might incorporate it into my next header for my blog...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
It's the ride we take...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Somewhere over the rainbow...

- If you are afraid of clowns, you'll think this is funny, please watch.
- Take my Poll!!!! on the right toolbar :)
And now for today:
I heard back about the Compassion Booth! I will be volunteering The Hoppers event Feb. 20th 6-9:30pm. I have more to look into, and some training to read up on, but I am extremely excited about telling others about my experiece through sponsoring a child. I understood one of my two math problems. Progress haha. I finally had the chance to go to Key Club today. I've missed the last few weeks becuase I've been without a car, or had to work :( I found the long sweater I've been looking for for the last month and a half! Only $15 too :) I went to Cafe Night and I would definately say it was a success. Acoustic music is the best, and I even got to hear some ukulele! Somewhere, over the rainbow...
Paul's conversion was a classic and authentic religious conversion. It was an inner and authoritative experience, not just an idea, not hearsay, nor some secondhand information given to him, not textbook knowledge. Afterwards, he knew. God has no grandchildren, only children.
Every person has to come to the God experience on their own. Conversion is a foundational change in life position, perspective, and finally, one's very identity. After the transformation God is not out there any more. You don't look at God as a separate identity; you look out from God who lives in you and through you and with you. That is a major shift, probably the most major shift possible for humans.
Like Paul, a converted person becomes convinced that they are participating in something bigger than themselves. After conversion you know you are being used, you know you are being led, and above all you realize your life is not all about you! You are about life! It is happening inside of you and all God needs is your "yes" and your participation. It is likely the hardest yes you will ever utter, because your years of habit will all shout "not possible," "not me," and "not worthy."
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Senior Year Pt. 2

- Today, in the foyer at my high school where everybody eats lunch, our Principal began reading Green Eggs and Ham aloud. By the time he was finished, a large group of students had gathered around him, listening intently. I love my high school. MLIA
- Today, I toasted my bread using my hair straightener because I live in a dorm and toasters aren't allowed. MLIA.
- For lunch today me and my friends went to tacobell, we decided to go through the drive through backwards. When we reached the cashier he said hed never seen anything like it and gave us our food for free. MLIA
Monday, January 25, 2010

Mental Notes:
- First of all I love this song: Priscilla Ahn ~ Living in a Tree .
- Ideo.com
- WSU ~ Basics of computers Cyber Security?
- join study groups/do intramural sports.
- take some of the engineering classes early, then senior year isn't as hard.
- look at monster.com for example jobs of what certifications are required for positions.
- programming ~ interactive web pages
- hands on, interface with clients, networking. Also can go cybersecurity.
- Information management under computer science.
- Thank you so much Tracey, Denise, Desiree, Andy, John B., John S., Dan, Michael, Jacque, Vic, Joe, Eric, and Dean.
Sidenote because, yes, I'm random...
watch this. best movie and song ever. seriously. its in my top five. treasure planet baby.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
.3 Months.

.tj max.
.karli's room.
.julie and julia.
Everything got accomplished! Thank goodness. I worked on decorating my journals for school [photographed to the left]. I went to Bethel for the first time today. Loved it. The Ward's pancakes are marvelous. TJ Max is the best place to get a deal. Discipleship was needed as always. YOGA. Oh my gosh I tried it for the first time today. Honestly, I couldn't take it seriously the first 20 minutes and silently laughed quite a bit. Thank goodness Andrew was there to laugh with me. Everyone else got waaaaay into it. The room was boiling, the huge man next to me was on the verge of falling during every balancing challenge we faced, Jessi "farted", the best position we did was bouncing up and down on our butts to "stimulate" our brains (literally laughed out loud for that one), tried the hissing cat position, and the slouching cow position, and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT ALL :) As goofy as it all was, I felt great afterwards, and had a great time. Hopefully I'll be able to go again. A great day with Jessi, and I'm ready to go to bed early so I can get up early and go to work with Daddy-O in the mornin :)) Until next time...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My Life is Far From Average

Okay, so in web design we visit it a lot because it is one of the few sites that the school hasn't blocked. Here are some of my favorites...
- Today, I wore Axe body spray. I wasn't tackled by any women. MLIA.
- A fortnight ago I finally solved my rubiks cube. I waited two weeks to post this so that I could use the word fortnight. MLIA.
- Today, I realized the word bed actually looks like a bed. MLIA
- Today, I decided to tan on the balcony. I took my top off and my neighbor came out and saw me. He's a guy. So am I. We greeted each other. MyLifeIsAverage.
- Today, I saw a commercial for the Snuggie. I thought it was stupid idea but I couldn't change the channel because I was under a blanket and I didn't want my arms to get cold. MLIA. [done this]
- Today, I met a girl named Unique. She has an identical twin sister. No one else thought it was funny. MLIA.
- Today, my boss passed me in the hall at work and asked me "Do you have a sec?". I was trying to be flippant and replied "I have tons of secs". We both pretended I didn't say that. MLIA. [done this]
- Today, I renamed my iPod "This ship" just for the pleasure of seeing the phrase "This ship is syncing" MLIA
- Today, in Science class my teacher asked us what we thought of when we heard the word "evolution". I thought of Pokemon, but I didn't say anything. MLIA.
- Today, I learned that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo. MLIA
- Today I slipped in the shower and tried to grab onto the water to catch myself. It didn't work. MLIA
- Yesterday, I didn't forward a chain mail. Today I'm still alive. MLIA
- Today, I only shaved the parts of my legs I knew would show through the holes in my jeans. MLIA [done this]
- Today, I realized that Mario is definitely homeless. He wakes up every day wearing the same clothes, runs around in sewers, beats up people for their money, and what does he spend it on? Mushrooms. MLIA
- Today, i was working as a cashier at a grocery store. A woman came through my line and bought some Land O Lakes butter. As i rang it up my screen showed "LOL Big Butt" I couldn't stop laughing. MLIA
- Today, i met a runner. His name is Walker. MLIA
- Today I ran out of both my shampoo and conditioner at the same time. I've been waiting years for that to happen. MLIA
- Today I married a supermodel. Our house is huge and has a pool surrounding it. All the other Sims are jealous. MLIA.
- Today I was playing scrabble with my parents and little brother. The only letters I had were p, e, n, i, and s. Guess what word I put. Spine. MLIA
- Today, I realized I was blowing on my ice cream, because it was too cold. MLIA
- Today, I got a letter in the mail with no return address. I opened it to reveal a Hogwarts acceptance letter. Whoever sent me the letter, I love you. MLIA
- Today, I passed a car which had one of those "We Are The Proud Parents of an Honor Student" bumper stickers stuck onto the back window. I then passed another car with a similar sticker, only this one said: "We are the proud parents of a child whose self esteem is efficient enough that he doesn't need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car". I don't know who you are, random parents, but my hat goes off to you. MLIA [I will do this]
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
What should I focus on?
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
H Duck trademark Ruben
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
So many shoes...

P.s. To AlL My ReAdErS :)
Thank you for reading my blog! I love hearing that people acutally read it and enjoy it. It makes it even more fun to write and take pictures knowing people are reading my posts. Thanks!
Here's a verse worth storing in you memory...
Philippians 2:14
Do everything without complaining or arguing.
Monday, January 18, 2010
VacPump Dressing Large Quantity:8
There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

Sunday, January 17, 2010
When the future is a little foggy...
My future is foggy.
I'm not sure what I want to do.
What career path to take.
Funny that came up in discipleship today.
Whatever I do, I'll do it for God.
I'll be the useful tool in his toolbox.
Not the one put back.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
- Fondu
- Presents
- Snowflake Pudding
- Laughs
- Memories
I look forward to it every year. We haven't missed one yet. So what if christmas comes a little late sometimes :) Good conversation, catching up, and an authentic snuggie to match my backpack chair...
Friday, January 15, 2010
Friday the 15th
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tea and Sympathy
If you are too heated,
If you are depressed,
If you are excited,
~ Gladstone
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Take the Long Way Home

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Time after Time

Time is going so fast. Every year its speeds up. We're currently chugging away at 500mph. Tomorrow will be 600. Except 6th hour. When I have to pee, but can't hand over a bathroom pass, forfeiting extra credit points. Going to bed early tonight. 6:30 sounds nice. I'll get up at 4 to do homework don't worry. Till next time...
Monday, January 11, 2010
What I'll Miss

My parents- I’ve gotten so close with them this last year, and it only makes it harder to leave. I think about it every day. It’s the only reason I don’t want high school to end.
My sister- She is my best friend. We've gotten close in the last year too, and I'll miss her crazy randomness every day I'm gone.
My best friend- Me and Jessi won't be close in distance when we go off to college. Once a month we will meet at a coffee shop meeting halfway between our schools, and we’ll write letters all the time, and call each other, text, facebook, blog, gosh anything to keep in touch. I’ll miss her so much.
My friends leaving far away- Seniors graduate and move on to colleges all across the U.S. The chances of seeing most of them ever again is slim, excluding class reunions. I have gone through elementary, middle, and high school with some of them and seeing them every day is so normal to me. Soon it won’t be. It’s weird to think about, and I’m definitely going to miss a lot of them.
My wittle fwends who are still going to be stuck in high school- I have so many underclassmen friends and I’ll miss the fanbase ;)
My car- My beautiful, fierce ‘97 Camaro who has been through so much with me will sit at home for a year until. New stereo system. Sitting. Brand new rims. Sitting. New brakes. Sitting. Dad will take her out for some exercise so I’m not too worried, but I’ll still miss being queen of the road.
My cat- That quirky little spud who I throw around and chase will miss me too. Her life is going to be so boring with me gone and no one to play crazy fighting games with.
Warm weather- Pullman is cold. COLD. And I love warm weather. Not a perfect match, eh? I will miss the relatively warmer weather of the tri-cities, but I’ll survive. An excuse to buy cute jackets, gloves, and scarves, right?
Work- I’ll miss hilarious coworkers, seeing the regular customers, and walking home after a late shift with my daddy.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Closing my eyes

Saturday, January 09, 2010
Conversation: The flow of reason between two induviduals

- Same hair
- Same urban, boho style
- love old couples
- like crispy bacon
- love romantic movies
- had unique means of transportation
- shop regularly at Value Village
- knitting fanatics
- addicted to trying new teas
- awkward dancers
- our mom's are both teachers
- our dads love motorcycles and play the same computer games
- are in love with God
- we love popcorn and marshmallow jellybeans
- read each others minds
- love taking pictures
- are paid to take pictures ;)
- Jessi hates tomatoes/Laurel loves them (especially plain w/salt and pepper)
- Jessi has small feet/Laurel has well, bigger feet haha
- Jessi knits at a slow and steady pace/Laurel knits like a freak
- Jessi hates WSU/Laurel is going to WSU
A flow of reason between two induviduals? I always know that if I need advice, Jessi will give me some. I know I won't have to consider her morals, because we live for the same purpose and reason and she won't offer something that is wrong.
Friday, January 08, 2010
The Office: Get Your Scrant On

Had a heart to heart with Jessi. On my drive home I listened to klove radio and I asked God to play me a song. Driving at 1 am this song came on. I immediately broke into tears.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Biggest Lie in America: "That was my last piece"

One child retaliated.
He chased our car with a stick.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Flaming Ninjas

Drank lots of cocoa and cider and sat on the sidelines because my tailbone is still outta whack from sledding haha.
Hotties [handwarmers]are essential for outdoor sports.

"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car."
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music

* Ruben made a blog today. I'm so proud.
* Set Fire to the Third Bar. Enough said.
* I'm craving me some Treasure Planet.
* My car is still immobile.
* Non-fat Lattes were a mistake.
* "Hello, my name is Olivia Diaz. Welcome."
* Uganda meeting tonight. Life-changing trip in my future?
* Wearing glasses when you give a speech does help your grade ;)
* I started a new hat today. I wish people would just try knitting club for once. Goal: Have at least 2 guys join before the end of the year haha.
* I want blue plastic owl earrings.
* I'm ready to give Goodwill another chance. I'm awfully fond of Value Village at this point though.
* Toms have excellent arch support.
*All I want is some robin egg blue sky; I don't feel like that's asking for too much...
Monday, January 04, 2010
Gift that Keeps on Giving

Sunday, January 03, 2010
Failing Ink

Saturday, January 02, 2010
Italian Mix

Went to work today. A four hour chunk of fun. Vanessa bought me a hot chocolate, and Shannon was very chatty which was nice. I bought some delicious pickled vegetables. Jessi thinks they sound disgusting, but trust me, they're to die for ;)Afterwards father picked me up and we headed to Les Shwabb to see if they have a rim to match the one that got cracked by our car skating incident. Hopefully they'll find a match. We went to Value Village after that and I found an amazing poncho and a windbreaker that matches my Spicy Orange Vans :) An overall satisfying day that will end with a family movie night featuring Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and Italian Mix Giardiniera.
Matthew 17:20
Friday, January 01, 2010
Brand New

Doesnt that sound nice. Brand New. It's a new year and starting today I can set goals for the year ahead. Not procrastinate on homework. Bible reading everyday. Stop spending so much money on shoes :) Always be "that positive person" at work. Find something to be thankful for everyday. And write it all right here in this blog. My best friend and I are challenging ourselves (Of course its a fun challenge that we will enjoy). We're not in pain as we blog down something interesting that happens every SINGLE day :) We're going to blog every day little things that happen, or interesting things we learn. We're going to include an original picture that we will take ourselves as well (because everyone loves picture books/blogs better than just lame writing haha). It's a chance to be creative. To express ourselves and not forget memories we make everyday. A way for us to stay connected as we go on to college soon. I'll miss her so much, but I know our friendship won't dissolve because of distance. That doesnt happen with best friends.