Have you ever forgotten the freezing point of water?
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and thought it was morning?
Have you ever tried to take a contact out of your eye, when it wasn't there?
Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
Have you ever slept from 10pm to 5pm?
Have you ever forgotten a password 10 minutes after you create it?
Have you ever mixed four cereals together?
Have you ever chewed gum so long it disintegrated?
Have you ever eaten a whole bundle of celery in one day?
Have you ever sneezed when you pluck your eyebrows?
Have you ever talked about poop for 40 minutes?
Have you ever had a bald teacher whose head gets tattooed everyday with the overhead words?
Have you ever had a bee stuck in your hair?
Have you ever said "that's what she said" in a normal sentence, and then silently laughed to yourself?
Have you ever learned a tribal dance from an authentic Navajo?
Have you ever changed an alternator and a water pump on a car?
Have you ever had your glasses smashed in tether ball?
Have you ever left in the middle of class to get Slurpees?
Have you ever been hit by a car on your bike?
Have you ever screamed songs at the top of your lungs?
Have you ever sleep walked from the floor of one room to the top bunk of a bed in another room?
Have you ever taken notes and had no idea what they meant?
Have you ever bought $14 worth of Sonic food in pennies, dimes, and nickels?
Have you ever thanked God?
Have you ever regretted things, or been proud of things?
Have you ever been completely satisfied?
I like this post :)