Drank lots of cocoa and cider and sat on the sidelines because my tailbone is still outta whack from sledding haha.
Hotties [handwarmers]are essential for outdoor sports.
I had the priveledge of driving the rumbling bimmer to Campaigners, she is definately on steroids cuz her voice is deeeeeeeeeeeeep.
I wore my wolf sweatshirt today, Nick and I matched in wolf attire.
I'm officially obsessed with Hey, Soul Sister by Train.

"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car."
I feel like I used to be that christian.
The christian who goes to church, but only goes, because thats what christians do, and thats what my parents do.
I mean I enjoyed it, and believed everything that was taught, but I never took it quite deeper than that.
It honestly took me until this last summer to completely dive in and go for it.
My reward?
A relationship, with our creator.
I have new eyes to see the world with.
He gave me a best friend, which is exactly what I have been needing. He knew.
Everything is positive, and its so easy for me to make the best out of situations now with a good attitude.
My dad hit a rim on a curb on an ice-rink of a street, and now I will need to get 4 new rims because we can't match up the one that was damaged.
But I like my old ones.
But instead of being negative about the fact that I can't have my favorite old rims anymore, I just realized that its a car.
A car.
The rims we're buying will look awesome, and I know they'll grow on me.
But again, its a car.
I realize that its great the fact that my dad can provide me with new rims so I can keep driving. Some families would not even be able to do that.
Everyone is safe. No one was hurt.
Life will go on, and if I pout, well thats just stupid.
So instead God helps me realize that the situation is not terrible at all.
No complaining :)
Revelation 21:11
Having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.
mmm, gosh, i love this. you're so great at writing laurel. i love you.