Doesnt that sound nice. Brand New. It's a new year and starting today I can set goals for the year ahead. Not procrastinate on homework. Bible reading everyday. Stop spending so much money on shoes :) Always be "that positive person" at work. Find something to be thankful for everyday. And write it all right here in this blog. My best friend and I are challenging ourselves (Of course its a fun challenge that we will enjoy). We're not in pain as we blog down something interesting that happens every SINGLE day :) We're going to blog every day little things that happen, or interesting things we learn. We're going to include an original picture that we will take ourselves as well (because everyone loves picture books/blogs better than just lame writing haha). It's a chance to be creative. To express ourselves and not forget memories we make everyday. A way for us to stay connected as we go on to college soon. I'll miss her so much, but I know our friendship won't dissolve because of distance. That doesnt happen with best friends.
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