Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wing It

Today I winged it :)
I went home for an extra long lunch spent with mama bear.
Surprised her by doing some dishes, and then I made her some iced tea.
Good conversation, made for a perfect middle of the day break.
She needed a new "facebook" picture so we went out and had a baby photo shoot. How cute :)
After school Meryn and I ventured down to the river. Surprise, surprise...
Found this big 'ol emblem and couldn't help but "bask in the turbulence of its magnificence" haha
We both had our dumb moments with the camera haha
These were two of my favorite pics.
The reason for Meryn's cute expression...
...she picked up this nasty dirty boulder and said,"Take a picture of me throwing it into the water!"
She swung it up violently to begin the toss and dirt clods landed in her eyeballs.
I was down. On the sidewalk. Laughing my patootey off.
Two funny things happened after the river.
One. I gave myself a fat lip by hitting it with my tennis racket. NOT on purpose lol.
I iced it during dinner, until the ice cube dropped in my salmon. Ew.
Two. I used body wash as shampoo. NOT on purpose. Read those labels, kids.
Overall a great day full of laughs and love.
Thanks to God, I am living life to the fullest.


  1. The basking will never get old! ahaha.

    hahahahah, this face! hahahaha.

  2. laurel, you honestly look like a prehistoric animal. but i sexy one, don't worry!
