Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Grocery Extravaganza

This was yesterdays finished meal btw.
I'm not quite as fail as you thought :)
Coffee with my dear Annie Holten today.
We caught up on life.
Always good :)
After classes Paul Sisk and I went on a grocery shopping adventure.
He pushed me around in a grocery cart and we got way too many stares.
Since when is it strange for a college student to sit like a child in a grocery cart, really?
The other kids in the store were the ones who got the biggest kick out of it.
Drifting corners and getting lost. I can't wait till I run out of food again.
Paul gave me some dinner to take home.
Quite the cook, it was delicious.
I finished my lab sitting outside under a tree in perfect weather watching the sunset.
Golden :)
YoungLife was hilarious.
Over 200 people showed up, so Gary had to shave his head.
Soooooooooooooooooo funny.
Got back to the dorm, and Sam Bam and I headed downstairs to test our baking skills.
At 10:30pm.
Couldn't find a baking pan, so we made brownie cupcakes.
Ethan's birthday is tomorrow, so we want to surprise him!
We studied Chem while they were baking, and taste tested them when they were finished.
A little undercooked, but hey, we thought they tasted great ;)
Busy day tomorrow.
Laurel Adami.

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